Dual Credit Program
Earn College Credits for Free
Students can apply to enrol in college courses or apprenticeship training, earning dual credits that count towards their OSSD and college diploma or apprenticeship certification. For example, a student interested in applying to the Police Foundations Program following graduation may opt to take one of the required courses for this program while still in high school.
The college courses are taught at Algonquin College and high school students learn alongside their college peers. A Dual Credit student typically travels to the college once a week for his or her two to three hour course. Transportation to the course is provided by the college and the course fee is waived for high school students. Upon successful completion, students will receive the college credit and a high school credit.
More information about Algonquin College's dual credit program can be found here.
Dual credit opportunities are open to students in grades 11 and 12. Opportunities will be emailed to students and parents as they become available. Registration is done at the school in the guidance department.