RDHS Code of Conduct
Rockland District High School, as part of the Rockland Family of schools, Code of Conduct is based on the foundation of the Character Always initiative. It has been developed to promote and support respect, civility, responsible citizenship, an anti-biased and anti-racist perspective and to provide the framework for policies related to student discipline, bullying prevention, student and staff safety, and respectful working and learning environments. The Code of Conduct is aligned with provincial legislation and UCDSB Policies and Procedures. The intent is to provide a positive and safe learning environment that will maximize students’ academic, social, physical and emotional growth. We embrace diversity, equity and inclusive education as define below.
• Diversity: The presence of a wide range of human qualities and attributes within a group, organization, or society. The dimensions of diversity include, but are not limited to, ancestry, culture, ethnicity, gender, gender identity, language, physical and intellectual ability, race, religious, sex, sexual orientation, and socio-economic status
• Equity: A condition or state of fair, inclusive, and respectful treatment of all people. Equity does not mean treating people the same without regard for individual differences
• Inclusive Education: Education that is based on the principles of acceptance and inclusion of all students. Students see themselves reflected in their curriculum, their physical surroundings, and the broader environment, in which diversity is honoured and all individuals are respected.
Standards of Behaviour
A. Respect, Civility, and Responsible Citizenship
All members of the school community must:
• Demonstrate honesty and integrity
• Respect differences in people, their ideas and their opinions
• Treat one another with dignity and respect at all times, and especially when there is disagreement
• Respect and treat others fairly, regardless of, for example, race, ancestry, place of origin, colour, ethnic origin, Citizenship,
• Accommodate for religion, culture, gender, sexual orientation, age or disability
• Respect the rights of others
• Show proper care and regard for school property and the property of others
• Take appropriate measures to help those in need
• Seek assistance from a member of the school staff, if necessary, to resolve conflict peacefully
• Respect the need of others to work in an environment that is conducive to learning and teaching
• Not swear at a teacher or at another person in a position of authority
B. Safety
All members of the school community must not:
• Engage in bullying behaviours (Including cyber bullying) both in and out of school
• Engage in any type of illegal act for example: possession of a weapon, illegal drugs, theft
• Threaten or intimidate another person
• Be in possession of, or be under the influence of, or provide others with alcohol or illegal drugs
• Inflict or encourage others to inflict bodily harm on another person
• Engage in hate propaganda and other forms of behaviour motivated by hate or bias
• Commit an act of vandalism (that causes damage to school property or to property located on the premises of a school)
Roles and Responsibilities
Principals provide leadership in the daily operation of a school by:
• Demonstrating care for the school community and a commitment to academic excellence in a safe teaching and learning environment;
• Holding everyone under their authority accountable for his or her behaviour and actions;
• Empowering students to be positive leaders in the school and community;
• Communicating regularly and meaningfully with all members of their school community.
Teachers and Other School Staff Members
Under the leadership of Principals, teachers and other school staff members maintain order in the school and
are expected to hold everyone to the highest standard of respectful and responsible behaviour. As role models, teachers and school staff uphold these high standards when they:
• Help students work to their full potential and develop their sense of self-worth;
• Empower students to be positive leaders in their classrooms, school, and community;
• Communicate regularly and meaningfully with parents;
• Maintain consistent standards of behaviour for all students;
• Demonstrate respect for all students, staff, parents, volunteers, and the members of the school community;
• Prepare students for the full responsibilities of citizenship.
• Report any incident of a pupil of the school board behaving in a way that is likely to have a negative impact on the school climate.
Students are treated with respect and dignity. In return, they must demonstrate respect for themselves, for others, and for the responsibilities of citizenship through acceptable behaviour. Respect and responsibility are demonstrated when a student:
• Comes to school prepared, on time, and ready to learn;
• Shows respect for himself or herself, for others, and for those in authority;
• Refrains from bringing anything to school that may compromise the safety of others;
• Demonstrates respect for all members of the community and has a right to be free from but not limited to; homophobia, gender based violence, sexual harassment, inappropriate sexual behaviour, unsafe internet use, and cyber bullying.
• Follows the established rules and takes responsibility for his or her own actions.
Respect for Self and Others
1. Students are expected to show courtesy and respect to all those in a position of authority and to other students.
2. Physical or verbal abuse or threats towards any individual or group is not tolerated.
3. Harassment, intimidation, or discrimination towards individuals or groups is forbidden.
4. It is strictly forbidden to possess, threaten to use or use weapons of any sort, including all knives, on school property.
5 .Use of profane or improper language is unacceptable.
6. All school work must be completed to the best of the student’s ability.
7. All assignments must be organized and handed in on time.
8. Academic dishonesty such as cheating, copying and plagiarism is not tolerated.
9. Fighting or horseplay will not be tolerated.
10. Smoking is prohibited everywhere and at all times on school grounds, parking lots and vehicles parked on those lots.
11. The use, possession or sale of drugs, alcohol or hazardous substances on school property or at school-sponsored activities is expressly prohibited.
12. Students must dress in a manner that is clean, neat and appropriate for school.
13. Students must leave their outdoor clothing such as coats, purses, book bags in their lockers during class time.
14. Students must refrain from displays of affection inappropriate to the workplace.
15. Use the internet both in and out of school in an appropriate fashion. .
Respect for Property
1.Students must respect all school property, textbooks, equipment, library resources, lockers, school grounds and building, and buses.
2.The property of other students and staff must be respected.
3.Students must return all school property at the end of the academic year.
4.Lockers must be kept clean; furthermore, the use of an unauthorized lock is not permitted. Inspection of lockers may be done by school authorities at any time without notice.
5.Students are advised not to leave money, wallets or other valuables in the gym change rooms.
6.Unless authorized otherwise by school staff, students must eat and drink in the cafeteria or outside, only, placing garbage in the containers provided and returning trays to the racks.
7.Students are expected to help keep classrooms, hallways and the school yard free of litter. No food or drink is allowed in the hallways.
8.Valuables such as electronics are the responsibility of the student and not to be used during instructional time unless authorized by school staff.
9.The use of cell phones is not permitted during regular school hours. Cameras are not permitted at school unless pre-arranged with the school staff.
RDHS Dress Code
(Approved, RDHS Students’ Council, April 12, 2022)
(Approved, RDHS Parent Council, April 21, 2022)
- RDHS students are expected to dress in clothes that are comfortable and in a manner that supports a safe, accepting, and inclusive learning environment.
- All students have the right to wear clothing related to their religious or cultural beliefs.
- Students will not wear any clothing that promotes or symbolizes drugs, alcohol, illegal activity, hate or discrimination, profanity, pornography; that incites violence or harassment; or threatens the health and safety of others.
- Students will not wear anything that depicts or displays hate speech targeting groups based on race, ethnicity, gender, disability, sexual orientation, gender identity, religious affiliation, or any other protected groups.
- All students will remove non-religious head coverings during: O’Canada, Moments of Silence at Remembrance Day, and during other specific times of local, provincial, national, or international importance.
- For safety purposes, a specific dress code pertaining to footwear, clothing or accessories may be required in specific subject situations (i.e., shops/kitchens, physical education classes, or science labs).
- Concerns about student dress will be discreetly reported to the School Administration.
Students are expected to attend school daily and to attend every class to which they are assigned. As mandated by the Ministry of Education, a note from the parent or guardian must be provided for a student’s absence. Students must bring this note to the office before the morning bell upon return from an absence. Whenever possible, appointments (i.e. doctor, dentist) should be made after school hours. Students are responsible for all work missed during their absences and must abide by the school’s Attendance Protocol. Students must report to the assigned room when given detentions and loss of privilege sanctions. Students must not leave school without permission from the School Administration.
Students are expected to be on time and prepared for every class, including study periods as per the school’s Punctuality Protocol. Students who leave school grounds during lunch period must return on time and be prepared for class.
Furthermore, students are expected to submit assignments and projects on the due dates to their teachers as per the school’s Late/Missing Assignment Protocol.
Transportation To and From School
School bus service is a privilege and not a right. To that effect, students must respect the rules and regulations or face sanctions which may include the removal of the transportation privilege. Students damaging or vandalizing a school bus will be suspended from transportation until arrangements have been made for the payment of the total cost of all damage. A transportation booklet outlining the guidelines for students and parents/guardians is available in the office.
In accordance with Board policy, students cannot transfer to another bus for any reason. The enforcement of the Code of Conduct should be firm and consistent from one student to another. However, a degree of flexibility is necessary to suit specific situations or particular individuals.
Student Discipline Policies
It is the policy of the Upper Canada District School Board that all pupils have a safe, caring and accepting school environment in order to maximize their learning potential and to ensure a positive school climate for all members of the school community.
Pursuant to the Education Act, principals are required to maintain proper order and discipline in schools, and pupils are responsible to the principal for their conduct and are required to accept such discipline as would be exercised by a reasonable, kind, firm and judicious parent.
The Upper Canada District School Board supports the use of positive practices as well as consequences for inappropriate behaviour, including progressive discipline, which includes suspension and expulsion where necessary.
The Board does not support discipline measures that are solely punitive. Schools are encouraged to implement proactive positive practices and corrective supportive practices when necessary.
This policy authorizes the creation of procedures for implementation, which shall be considered guidelines pursuant to the Education Act.
Positive Practices for Prevention and Awareness
The Board supports the use of positive practices for prevention and positive behaviour management to promote and support appropriate and positive pupil behaviours which contribute to creating and sustaining safe, comforting and accepting learning and teaching environments that encourage and support students to reach their full potential.
Preventative practices include:
• Anti-bullying and violence prevention programs
• Mentorship programs
• Student success strategies
• Character education
• Citizenship development
• Student leadership
• Healthy lifestyles
• Climate Surveys
Positive behaviour management practices include:
• Program modifications or accommodations
• Positive encouragement and reinforcement
• Individual, peer and group counseling
• Conflict resolution training, mentorship programs
• Safety Plans
• School, Board and community support programs
• Student success strategies
Progressive Discipline
It is the policy of the Upper Canada District School Board, with respect to progressive discipline, to support a safe learning and teaching environment in which every pupil can reach his or her full potential. Appropriate action must consistently be taken by schools to address behaviours that are contrary to provincial and Board Codes of Conduct.
Progressive discipline is an approach that makes use of a continuum of interventions, supports, and consequences, building upon strategies that promote positive behaviours. The range of interventions, supports, and consequences used by the Board and all schools must be clear and developmentally appropriate, and must include learning opportunities for pupils in order to reinforce positive behaviours and help pupils make good choices.
For pupils with special education and/or disability related needs, interventions, supports and consequences must be consistent with the expectations in the student’s IEP and/or his/her demonstrated abilities. The Board, and school administrators, must consider all mitigating and other factors, as required by the Education Act and as set out in Ontario Regulation 472/07.
Progressive discipline may include a range of early and/or ongoing interventions, supports and consequences when inappropriate behaviours have occurred, with a focus on improving behaviour, such as one or more of the following:
• Contact with the pupil’s parent(s)/guardian(s)
• Student-teacher discussion
• Parental involvement
• Oral reminders
• Review of Code of Conduct and expectations
• Written work assignment with a learning component
• Volunteer service to the school community
• Peer mentoring
• Referral to counseling
• Conflict mediation and resolution
• Meeting with the pupil’s parent(s)/guardian(s),pupil and principal
• Referral to a community agency for anger management or substance abuse counseling;
• Collaboration/referral to regional team (behaviourist, SERT, etc.)
• Detentions
• Withdrawal of privileges
• Withdrawal from class
• Restitution for damages
• Restorative practices
• School suspension
• Transfer
• Expulsion
When addressing inappropriate behaviour, school staff should consider the particular pupil and circumstances, including any mitigating and other factors as set out in the Student Discipline Procedures, the nature and severity of the behaviour, and the impact on the school climate.
Mitigating Factors:
- The student does not have the ability to control his/her behaviour
- The student does not have the ability to understand the foreseeable consequences of his/her behaviour
- The student’s continuing presence in the school does not create an unacceptable risk to the safety of any person
Other Factors:
1. The pupil’s history.
2. Whether a progressive discipline approach has been used with the pupil.
3. Whether the activity for which the pupil may be or is being suspended or expelled was related to any harassment of the pupil because of his or her race, ethnic origin, religion, disability, gender or sexual orientation or to any other harassment.
4. How the suspension or expulsion would affect the pupil’s ongoing education.
5. The age of the pupil.
6. In the case of a pupil for whom an individual education plan has been developed,
i. Whether the behaviour was a manifestation of a disability identified in the pupil’s inpidual education plan,
ii. Whether appropriate individualized accommodation has been provided, and
iii. Whether the suspension or expulsion is likely to result in an aggravation or worsening of the pupil’s behaviour or conduct
A principal shall consider whether to suspend a pupil if he or she believes that the pupil has engaged in any of the following activities while at school, at a school-related activity or in other circumstances where engaging in the activity will have an impact on the school climate:
1. Uttering a threat to inflict serious bodily harm on another person.
2. Possessing alcohol or illegal drugs.
3. Being under the influence of alcohol.
4. Swearing at a teacher or at another person in a position of authority.
5. Committing an act of vandalism that causes extensive damage to school property at the pupil's school or to property located on the premises of the pupil's school.
6. Bullying (including cyber bullying)
7. Any act considered by the principal to be injurious to the moral tone of the school
8. Any act considered by the principal to be injurious to the physical or mental well-being of members of the school community
9. Any act considered by the principal to be contrary to the Board or school Code of Conduct.
Suspension, Investigation and Possible Expulsion
A principal shall suspend a pupil if he or she believes that the pupil has engaged in any of the following activities while at school, at a school-related activity or in other circumstances where engaging in the activity will have an impact on the school climate:
1. Possessing a weapon, including possessing a firearm.
2. Using a weapon to cause or to threaten bodily harm to another person.
3. Committing physical assault on another person that causes bodily harm requiring treatment by a medical practitioner.
4. Committing sexual assault.
5. Trafficking in weapons or in illegal drugs.
6. Committing robbery.
7. Giving alcohol to a minor.
8. Any other activity that, under a policy of a board, is an activity for which a principal must suspend a pupil and, therefore in accordance with this Part, conduct an investigation to determine whether to recommend to the board that the pupil be expelled.
9. A pattern of behaviour that is so inappropriate that the pupil’s continued presence is injurious to the effective learning and/or working environment of others.
10. Activities engaged in by the pupil on or off school property that cause the pupil’s continuing presence in the school to create an unacceptable risk to the physical or mental well-being of other person(s) in the school or Board
11. Activities engaged in by the pupil on or off school property that have caused extensive damage to the property of the Board or to goods that are/were on Board property.
12. The pupil has demonstrated through a pattern of behaviour that s/he has not prospered by the instruction available to him or her and that s/he is persistently resistant to making changes in behaviour which would enable him or her to prosper; or
13. Any act considered by the principal to be a serious violation of the Board or school Code of Conduct.
Anti-Bullying Program
Bullying will not be tolerated at our school. The intent is to provide a positive and safe learning environment that will maximize students’ academic, social, physical and emotional growth.
The Definition of Bullying:
Bullying is typically a form of repeated, persistent, and aggressive behaviour directed at an individual or individuals that is intended to cause (or should be known to cause) fear and distress and/or harm to another person’s body, feelings, self-esteem, or reputation. Bullying occurs in a context where there is a real or perceived power imbalance.
Our school follows a Progressive Discipline approach. We take steps to prevent bullying through our awareness, prevention and intervention strategies.
Awareness and Training Strategies:
- Guest speakers for students, staff, and community members
- Community Ontario Provincial Police
- Barbara Coloroso
- Internet Safety
- Liaison with Eastern Ontario Health Unit
- Behaviour
- Management System training
- Collaborative Problem Solving training
- Behaviourist and Special Services Counsellor supports
Prevention Strategies:
- Anti-Bullying Programs
- Character Always initiative
- Positive encouragement and reinforcement
- Individual, group counselling
- Conflict resolution
- Safety plans
- Occasional staff information guide
- Community support program
Intervention Strategies:
- Warnings
- Review of expectations
- Verbal or written apology
- Detentions
- Withdrawal of privileges
- Contact pupil’s parent(s)
- Contact pupil’s other teachers
- Withdrawal from class
- Written work assignment with a learning component
- Meeting with the parent(s)/guardian, pupil, and principal
- Restitution for damages
- Referral to behaviourist
- Suspension
- Expulsion
- Transfer
Support Strategies to Protect Victims:
- Increased adult supervision
- Anonymous reporting box in guidance area
- Coaching and counselling
- Assertiveness training with behaviourist or special services counsellor
- Referral to outside agency (e.g.Integra, community police, etc.)
Reporting Requirements:
· Students must report any type of bullying behaviour to any staff member. This can be reported verbally or in writing.
Note: All information provided by the reporter is confidential.
· All staff must report any incident of bullying in writing to the Principal.
· Safe School strategies will be monitored and reviewed each semester to ensure all strategies are effective.
School will conduct a School Climate survey every two years and report findings to Safe Schools Team.