Online learning is quickly becoming an important part of education in all career paths. eLearning at Rockland District High School offers Grades 11 - 12 subjects and supports students who may need specific courses to complement their timetable. Online teachers look forward to working with you to provide the most innovative, relevant and engaging eLearning experience possible. We also support opportunities to take eLearning courses through other school boards across Ontario when these are not available to students within our board.
All online credit courses meet the requirements of an Ontario secondary school diploma and are taught by dedicated, certified teachers.
Contact your school guidance counsellor for further information about courses being offered and registration. Course information is available on the UCDSB website at:
At the Upper Canada District School Board, eLearning courses are used to support students who are unable to register for required courses in their regular school program.
All courses are offered subject to sufficient enrolment and some courses may fill up quickly. Please see your guidance counsellor for further information.